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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

Officical Dragonfly Merry Ugly Christmas Shirt

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When he threw my Warlord cards I'd spent over a year collecting and playing outside. Not too long later he slapped me. I didn't know it at the time but I was just looking for an excuse to leave and got it when my ex wanted me back. That lasted a few days but he (my ex who I'm still friends with now) gave me that excuse to get out of that situation and move back in with my mom and heal. Buy it:  Officical Dragonfly Merry Ugly Christmas Shirt

Good Happy Christmas Eve Eve Ugly Christmas Shirt

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I started getting all the tattoos and piercings I wanted because "dad was away" and I could breathe a sigh of relief and be myself. I realized that was extremely disfunctional, and I started tallying up all the ways I'd compromised and what I wanted out of life to feel like myself. When he got back he wanted to make things work, but our differences were just too big and I didn't want to make it his turn to be miserable. That was the end of an 8 year relationship, soon after our second wedding anniversary. Buy it:  Good Happy Christmas Eve Eve Ugly Christmas Shirt

Nice Merry Fitness And A Happy New Rear Shirt

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Went to trade school with a guy like this. His “fun fact” for his introduction was that he was molested as a child. He also said that his classmates were the best friends he’s ever had. He ended up getting kicked out for multiple aggressive outbursts against students and bringing a knife to school. He had some pretty severe mental health issues. He was not equipped to work in our field, unfortunately. I think his wife was working on getting him into therapy. Buy it:  Nice Merry Fitness And A Happy New Rear Shirt

Good Merry Christmas And A Healthy New Year Eve Santa Claus Shirt

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Yup, I hate that. To add to this, they expect you to start spending all of your free time with them and get mad at you if you don’t. It’s like they want to make themselves an important part of your life but the relationship isn’t strong enough to warrant that level of interaction. Anytime she needed anything, I was there. I did more for her than I would do for most people. And I’m an asshole because I went out to lunch with my boyfriend a few times. Get fucked. I clearly made the right decision considering I’m married to the man now. Buy it:  Good Merry Christmas And A Healthy New Year Eve Santa Claus Shirt

Cool Inauguration Day January 20 2021 Biden Harris American Flag Shirt

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Ugh yes. I was really close with this woman I worked with. She was a bit older than me (17 years older) but she was always down for a good time. I started dating my now husband, who also worked with us, and she pitched a fit because she ate lunch by herself for a few days and said I wasn’t being attentive enough to her. Also said I’m just “that girl who gets a boyfriend and neglects everything else”. Such a slap in the face considering I broke plans with him several times to do shit for her, such as picking up her step daughter an hour away at 1am when she got back from a school trip, and an emergency phone call at 11pm when her son got violent with her wife’s kid. Buy it:  Cool Inauguration Day January 20 2021 Biden Harris American Flag Shirt

Pretty I’m Fired Anti Donald Trump Pointing To Himself Shirt

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There is a creeping tendency to use made up acronyms at SpaceX. Excessive use of made up acronyms is a significant impediment to communication and keeping communication good as we grow is incredibly important. Individually, a few acronyms here and there may not seem so bad, but if a thousand people are making these up, over time the result will be a huge glossary that we have to issue to new employees. No one can actually remember all these acronyms and people don't want to seem dumb in a meeting, so they just sit there in ignorance. This is particularly tough on new employees. Buy it:  Pretty I’m Fired Anti Donald Trump Pointing To Himself Shirt

Good I Survived The Great Toilet Paper Shortage Of 2020 Quarantine Shirt

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I went to a meetup recently and got some drinks with the people after. One guy gave me a bad vibe. He seemed like he had a really low tolerance for other people messing up and being a little awkward. He was like, "yeah I was a little bit nervous about going to the meetup but then I realized that there are some really fucking weird people and there's no reason to be nervous" Just sat wrong with me because I'm kind of awkward and just want to meet new people. The last straw was when we were playing pool at the bar and this one girl had something wrong with her voice and couldn't talk very loud so he actually asked her if "that's how her voice always was or there's something wrong with it" What a douchebag. He invited me to watch football with him the next day lol. I didn't respond. Buy it:  Good I Survived The Great Toilet Paper Shortage Of 2020 Quarantine Shirt

Premium Religion Does Not Save People Jesus Does Shirt

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I don't know if you can get away with this but, I had a supervisor at one point who like to call me husky puppy. He kept doing it after I told him to stop so I started calling him fuck face. After a few times of me calling him that in a setting that wasn't appropriate he asked me to stop. I told him he needed to stop calling me husky puppy then. That got his attention and he stopped. Buy it:  Premium Religion Does Not Save People Jesus Does Shirt

Top Skull Carpenter Make No Mistake My Personality Is Who I Am My Attitude Shirt

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I had an old supervisor who used to call me Meg or Megan because he said I just "looked like a Megan". That is very much not my name and I immediately told him I didn't like it. He would buy me drinks or snacks and write "Meg" on them and shit, and I wouldn't touch them because I said they weren't mine, they were someone named Meg's. Eventually I told him that since I had already asked him not to call me that, I wouldn't answer to anything that's not my name. The first couple of times that I completely ignored him, he thought it was funny, but when he actually needed me for something job-related and I acted like I couldn't hear him at all, he stopped, all the while bitching that I couldn't take a joke. Buy it: Top Skull Carpenter Make No Mistake My Personality Is Who I Am My Attitude Shirt

Funny The Future Is In Our Hands Vote Shirt

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I do field work. Only statement from company is "stay 6 feet away". First customer of the day smells like cough drops and is hacking up a lung. I explain be needs to stay back. He proceeds to get within a foot of me several times. No PPE has been provided. I'm so fucked. When will people learn that so many companies do not give a damn about them? We are just pawns that are easily disposable to fatten their pockets. High rises that house tons of people are not closing down. Why? The almighty dollar. What is the point of closing some things and not others? People that work in these places will go home to their families and can spread it. Buy it:  Funny The Future Is In Our Hands Vote Shirt

Hot The Count Our New President 2021 Shirt

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It is dangerous. Remember, there is absolutely no guarantee, unless you're a child (and even then...), that you will get it mild. Small chance, but a chance non-the-less. Still the possibility of permanent damage is real as well. We had an all office meeting of 100ish that was mandatory in person yesterday. Our CEO basically said clients aren't cancelling projects and with limited software licenses, we need to prepare for letting by and hard hours in the office to meet deadlines. Buy it:  Hot The Count Our New President 2021 Shirt

Original Sugar Skull Be Strong Everyday Shirt

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They called an all hands where the high ups at my husband's company all shared a microphone, touched their faces, touched the clicker and had everyone like sardines in a room. It was a lot of people. He said he wanted to run out so bad because it felt so dangerous. He said of all the things that could have been an email with a link to the slideshow that was one of them. Each individual could have watched it in a safe space. Buy it:  Original Sugar Skull Be Strong Everyday Shirt

Original The Bachelorette Girl Shirt

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I called my father yesterday morning and told him I didnt think it was a good idea for us to hang out for a while. The sullenness in his voice afterward is what hurt the most. He thanked me for my consideration and forethought and reassured me he understands. I almost cried afterward. It's worse because we always have dinner today, and mom makes corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and homemade soda bread. I might go over to say hi and have them leave me a plate on the porch to join them for the meal from outside. Buy it:  Original The Bachelorette Girl Shirt

Original Girls That Have Dreadlocks They Are The Rare Gift From God Shirt

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In a world where oil has almost run out, and every last drop is a precious commodity, crazed punk-rockers race all over the outback in cars and trucks with really shitty gas mileage, hunting down those last drops. Also, nobody has come up with any alternative form of energy, despite the surely astronomical value it would have. In the horror movie The Wishmaster, the evil genies get to take over the earth if they can get just one human to make three wishes. But every time they grant a wish, they deliberately make it go wrong in the most sadistic way possible, which unsurprisingly makes their victim somewhat hesitant to keep wishing. If they just granted the wishes as the person intended, they'd have three in no time. Buy it:  Original Girls That Have Dreadlocks They Are The Rare Gift From God Shirt

Awesome Santa Black Cat Pew Pew Madafakas Ugly Christmas Shirt

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Well, the writers literally just IGNORED how Monday would have avoided showing the sisters her day or shown some other memories or something. She couldnt be allowed to do that, that would risk all their lives. So how the fuck did this go on for years, with Monday showing all her memories from the days she went out, yet the sisters never found out she had a whole ass boyfriend and literally plotted to murder the rest!??? Still makes me mad. Buy it:  Awesome Santa Black Cat Pew Pew Madafakas Ugly Christmas Shirt

Cool My Body Is Coffee Shirt

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This! That's all I was thinking during that scene. Plus the typical star wars thing where the tiny army of a few hundred freedom fighters celebrates the slaughter of what must be hundreds if thousands, if not millions of crew members on their ships. No wonder nobody else likes the rebels. Basically there r 7 siblings (idk what u call 7 twins born on the same day) in a dystopian society where no one is allowed to have more than one child, any additional children are killed. So every week they each get one day to be the one person they all portray and experience the outside world. Every day they project their day and all conversations for the rest of the sisters to see, so they all know what to say and continue conversations with people, to keep up the lie that they are all one person. Buy it:  Cool My Body Is Coffee Shirt

Original Father’s Day To My Amazing Daddy Thanks For Putting Up With My Mom Shirt

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But thats ignoring how be even built them, or how the fuck that ancient dagger lines up with the wreckage of a death star that we previously saw atomised, or why those two becons that lead to palpatines base even existed in the first place. To me it was always the CREWS of those ships. According to established lore Star Destroyers had HUGE compliments of personnel. And all these ships are doing is hiding out? Where is their food coming from? Where did the people come from? If they had said droids or clones (which could be implied I guess) but no. Just this army of millions out of nowhere. Buy it:  Original Father’s Day To My Amazing Daddy Thanks For Putting Up With My Mom Shirt

Original In A World Full Of Grinches Be A Cindy Lou Who Christmas Shirt

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In the original Sherlock Holmes story "The Speckled Band," the killer trains a poisonous snake with a whistle to cue the snake to attack (sorry, spoiler alert from 230 years ago). I remember reading this in class in 3rd grade and pointing out that snakes are deaf. The teacher was actually mad that I "spoiled" the story for everyone. If we’re being pedantic (and why wouldn’t we be) the snake is venomous, not poisonous, and they’re not actually deaf, their ears are just internal so they can only “hear” lower frequency sounds. Your point is still 100% valid, I’m just being facetious. Buy it:  Original In A World Full Of Grinches Be A Cindy Lou Who Christmas Shirt

Awesome Santa Bear Drink Beer Its Not A Bad Boy Its A Father Figure Ugly Christmas Shirt

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The Time Turner in Harry Potter is the single most powerful magical item in that universe. It's so powerful that its very existence instantly renders the rest of the plot for all books moot. Despite this power and usefulness, it's used in the story ridiculously: first so Hermione can attend more classes (WTF) and secondly as a Deus ex Machina to allow PoA to end happily. It's never mentioned again in any other book, despite the fact that it would instantly solve all problems. Buy it:  Awesome Santa Bear Drink Beer Its Not A Bad Boy Its A Father Figure Ugly Christmas Shirt

Cool lack Cat Santa Is This Jolly Enough Light Christmas Shirt

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So in my opinion it's clear bruce wayne did exactly what any reasonable person would do in such circumstances. He fought for his life and when he saw his "friend" plummeting to his death he saved him. No court in the west would convict him of murdering those men in the hideout, nor could any collateral damage be attributed directly to his actions since they were all borne out of a desperate attempt to survive being attacked by multiple people. Buy it:  Cool lack Cat Santa Is This Jolly Enough Light Christmas Shirt

Awesome Obey Big Shot Shirt

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In Canada, self defense laws are very strict. IF you have an opportunity to escape your assailant, you MUST take that opportunity. For example: I am standing in a bedroom with the door closed. A man inside the bedroom is hell-bent on killing me and is relentless in his attacks. I can stab, shoot, punch, bite, rip, tear and whatever else I want so long as my life is in immediate danger. IF at ANY point during the altercation it is determined I had an opportunity to escape and I did not take that opportunity, every action I commit after that is no longer done in self defense. Buy it:  Awesome Obey Big Shot Shirt

Nice Philadelphia Ice Hockey Sticks Philly PHI Flyer Vintage Shirt

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In Batman Begins, during his initiation into the League of Shadows Bruce Wayne refuses to kill the man that was sentenced to death. During the resulting fight with Ras al-Ghul and the League, he blows up the League hideout, resulting (likely) in dozens of deaths, including the he man he refused to execute. So applying that to Bruce Wayne killing dozens in the hideout while trying to escape, it seems clear to me that he acted in self defense and attempted to escape the second he refused to execute the farmer. The entire time spent after refusing to execute the man, he is under relentless attack from multiple people. Buy it:  Nice Philadelphia Ice Hockey Sticks Philly PHI Flyer Vintage Shirt

Pretty I Am Not Just A Mom I’m A Mom Of A Soccer Superstar Shirt

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She gets a paper cut and instead of fainting, she goes "ow, paper cut" and then she gets thrown into a wooden furniture by Edward when Jasper tries to eat her, cuts her arm OPEN and then proceeds to have a full blown conversation with Carlisle as he STITCHES HER UP. In book 4, she drinks a glass of blood as a human. Not as a vampire but as a human because the monstrosity she calls a baby inside her demands it. She doesn't gag or anything. She doesn't resist the idea. In fact, she's so fucking gung ho about it that she asks for another glass. Buy it:  Pretty I Am Not Just A Mom I’m A Mom Of A Soccer Superstar Shirt

Cool Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats Santa And Was Born In January Shirt

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So, with no superheroes about fighting crime, what about all the supervillains? I mean they, by definition, break the law and suddenly the people who are most qualified to go after them have been banned from doing so. Heck, when Mr. Incredible saved that jumper, he stumbled into a supervillain who casually blew open a bank vault (Bomb Voyage). Are we expected to believe they just retired, too? The biggest one is when in book 1, Bella has a serious fear of blood. There was a scene where she was in biology and the teacher was doing blood type tests. She was in the back of the room and fucking fainted from watching her classmate get pricked on the finger in the very front of the class. Buy it:  Cool Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats Santa And Was Born In January Shirt

Cool Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats Santa And Was Born In June Shirt

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This has always bothered me from The Dark Knight Rises... How the fuck did Bruce get back to Gotham???? His accounts were frozen, he was in the middle of goddam nowhere, and I highly doubt many people would know him enough in that country to recognize who he is by appearance alone. And if they DID recognize who he was I’m sure they would have put him back in the pit. What about other nations? Surely supers aren't born only in America, so did the rest of the world ignore the USs decision, letting them fall behind? Did they go with it? It's never explained, and since there's a fair amount of evidence to say that all this happened during the height of the Cold War, what about the USSR, and their supers? Buy it:  Cool Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats Santa And Was Born In June Shirt

Funny Single Taken Mentally Dating With Damon Shirt

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One of the things I could never wrap my head around with virtually all religions is the idea that an omnipotent god, who created and oversees literally the entire universe and all life in it, really cares about such trivial bullshit like whether hairless ape #4797524759 touched his friend’s penis or ate an oyster. Does E.T. need a bike to fly? It seems like if he needed love and friendship to fly than he should of been able to fly even before the chase. 2. In the movie indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark indiana jones doesn't need to be there AT ALL. If he wasn't there the Nazis still would have got the ark and they still would have opened it. The only thing that indiana jones did is lock it in a warehouse and it was supposed to go to a museum. Buy it:  Funny Single Taken Mentally Dating With Damon Shirt

Original Wonderful Skull Joe Biden Will You Shut Up Man American Flag Shirt

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In Oceans 11, the total heist would weigh too much to carry out. The U.S. Treasury has the weight of $1,000,000 at 22 pounds. Multiply that by 163 and the total weight from the heist would be 3586 pounds. Divide that by all eleven con men, and each one would have to carry 326 pounds out of the casino. Those movies where earth gets ruined somehow so they build a giant space station instead- Wall-E, IO. They had one problem: no air. So they decided to go to space to make it 5 problems: extreme cold, radiation, no pressure, no natural resources and still no air. Buy it:  Original Wonderful Skull Joe Biden Will You Shut Up Man American Flag Shirt

Cool In A World Full Of Grinches Be A Cindy Lou Who Christmas 2020 Shirt

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I guess as I think it over, I prefer the original plan, even if only because it seems like it would have given Bruce and Nat a MUCH deserved closure scene. I think that could have had a serious, even if uplifting, tone to it that would have fit with the serious actions going on in the surrounding scenes. I like how they used a light and joking tone with the reveal they went with in Endgame to make it fit Endgame better (which definitely had more laughs in it than Infinity War did), but having the merger happen off screen, and missing out on a Nat/Banner closure moment leaves me wishing they had stuck to their guns. Buy it:  Cool In A World Full Of Grinches Be A Cindy Lou Who Christmas 2020 Shirt

Best Have Yourself A Harry Little Christmas Shirt

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The pond I parked next too had a ton of them just dicking around. Needless to say It was hard to sleep that night because every couple minutes the damn geese would peck at my door or land on the cab and waddle around.Driving through rural NM, bisti area with the crazy melted rock look. No plants or anything, just rock and sand. Monsoon time, raining cats and dogs just pouring so hard you could barely see going 20mph. Thunder and lightning just rocking the car. Sometimes turning into hail and pounding you. Just a nasty storm. Buy it:  Best Have Yourself A Harry Little Christmas Shirt

Well I Like Corgis And Jeps And Maybe 3 People Shirt

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People are pointing out there is only one Quran, I'm obviously not a Muslim so I don't know any better but they were asking them to recite something that was interpreted differently between Sunni's and Shia's. Don't need everyone pointing out the semantics, they were assholes either way.As we make eye contact the tapping at my door starts again. I say fuck it and throw open the driver side door and there's another damn goose waddling away with all the speed it can manage honking like a 5 year old who just found the horn on his new bike. Buy it:  Well I Like Corgis And Jeps And Maybe 3 People Shirt

Better I Like Tacos And Jeps And Maybe 3 People Shirt

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I decided not to back up, and when the two people in the road saw me put my truck back in gear and drive away, they both got up and walked toward the shoulder. I called the police and explained what happened, but we were so far away from civilization that I doubt anything came of it.Parked off an exit ramp at about 3am for my 10hour. The moon was full and high, and I Spotted an unmistakably human figure in a nearby cut corn field. A little spooky but I just wrote it off as an old timer putting up a scarecrow for the grandkids. Buy it:  Better I Like Tacos And Jeps And Maybe 3 People Shirt

Premium Michael Scott Santa Claus Is Coming That’s What She Said Shirt

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I was just about to back up and check on them when I remembered a story that an old greybeard colleague of mine told me. He told me that in certain remote areas, people will lie down in the middle of the road and wait for a car or truck to stop and see what's going on. At that point, the road-layers along with whoever else is hiding in the nearby bushes will beat the shit out of the driver and steal his vehicle, leaving him in the middle of nowhere. Buy it:  Premium Michael Scott Santa Claus Is Coming That’s What She Said Shirt

Hot Louis Tomlinso Have Yourself A Harry Little Christmas Shirt

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I noticed something long on the road, spanning my entire lane, approximately half a mile in front of me. I slowed down a little and prepared to move into the opposite lane, thinking it was some re-tread off a blown tire. As I got closer I noticed it was two people, laying head to toe across the entire lane. I swerved into the other lane, successfully avoiding them and came to an almost complete stop. But they didn't move. Not an inch. Buy it:  Hot Louis Tomlinso Have Yourself A Harry Little Christmas Shirt

Original Where’s The Cranberry Sauce Christmas Shirt

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I used to deliver hotshot freight across the great plains/Minnesota area. One night around 2am I was hauling across North Dakota trying to reach Montana by morning. I was delivering a particularly valuable tractor part that a farm desperately needed for the following day. I began to notice some highway hypnosis sneaking up on me, but it didn't really bother me because I'd been through it hundreds of times before. Anyone who has driven across North Dakota knows that it is incredibly flat. Like, really flat. There also tends to be very straight and long roads. It's somewhat easy to see things on the road that are far away, even at night. Buy it:  Original Where’s The Cranberry Sauce Christmas Shirt

Top Stupid Tree A Woody Perennial Plant Deciding To Block A Perfectly Thrown Disc Shirt

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I know where you were! When ever there is issues in the canyon you have to drive those hills. Yeah, that area is also a proofing ground (area 72 I think?) I was outside once and heard bombing so loud my mom and I ducked and ran for the car. I called dispatch and the airforce, both denied active operations. I was about 100 miles east of area 51 and 100miles or so south of skinwalker ranch. I don't get out in that area anymore. Buy it:  Top Stupid Tree A Woody Perennial Plant Deciding To Block A Perfectly Thrown Disc Shirt

Good Snopy My Favorite Color Is Christmas Lights Shirt

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I then hear someone, a male, scream bloody murder and I hear them fall off the back of my truck. I then hear about 15 other people all around my truck yelling. I climb up front, turn on my lights and illuminate a squad of Army Reserves doing their midnight ruck march and capture drills.Turns out these guys were supposed to go find an "abandoned" truck and "secure" it for their midnight drills. That truck was 3 miles back down the road. They were not expecting me to be sleeping there, and thought I was part of the drill. I'm ex-military so after explaining I was not part of their test and legit was just there out of coincidence we laughed it off. They had to radio to their C.O. and tell him I was there and not have the other squads bother me. Buy it:  Good Snopy My Favorite Color Is Christmas Lights Shirt

Pretty Skeleton My Life Is A Dumpster Fire But It’s All Cool Shirt

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Well it was getting late and I was getting tired so I pulled off onto the shoulder and went to sleep in my bunk. Now this was in the middle of nowhere, closest town was like 40 miles away, so it is complelty pitch black outside once I turn the lights off. Any way around 4 am I wake up because I'm hearing something messing with my truck, like playing with the air and power cables between my cab and the trailer, which is literally 6 inches from where my head is at but on the outside of the cab. Then I feel something climb onto the landing that's on the back of my truck and it shakes my whole truck, so I'm guessing something around 2 to 3 hundred pounds was climbing around back there, I'm thinking like a mountain lion or a bear. At this point I'm wide the F awake and I want to get this thing away from me, so I slam my hand into my cab wall trying to scare what ever is out there, SLAM Hard enough to really make it loud. Buy it:  Pretty Skeleton My Life Is A Dumpster Fir...

Happy Santa Skeleton On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Christmas Shirt

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The guy walks right up to my passenger door and knocks on the window. I crack the window and I ask what’s up. He replies to me in a very very serious tone “I need you to call the cops”. I cautiously ask why and he tells me he had gone out into the woods to kill himself but he couldn’t go through with it because he had thought of his daughters right before he was about to do it. I call the cops while the guy quietly cries outside. He had a kitchen knife that he was gonna use on himself so I stayed in the car and advised him to maybe leave the knife on the ground before the cops arrived. The cops came and got him but before they left with him I gave him a solid heart to heart and wished him well. I still think about him, I hope he was able to turn things around. Buy it:  Happy Santa Skeleton On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Christmas Shirt

Pretty Grinch Hand Merry Fucking Xmas Christmas Shirt

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As I’m standing there I see the figure of a man just walking out of the tree line. I’m miles from civilization, patchy cell service, and there isn’t a soul on the road. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me and maybe it was a deer but nope this was a man. So I calmly walk back to the drivers door and get in, locking the doors behind me. I’m keeping my eye on this guy as I nervously smoke and have my car in drive, ready to peel out, but for some reason I just stayed put. Buy it:  Pretty Grinch Hand Merry Fucking Xmas Christmas Shirt

Funny Shetland Sheepdog Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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I'm so sorry to hear what happened. My dad passed away in mid August due to COVID-19 as well. I was really close to him and really feel terrible for what my mom and little brothers are going through as well. It's so hard because COVID-19 is the topic of everyday conversation. Many people make light of covid and talk about how much the pandemic has improved their lives. Those conversations hurt me. I wish it never happened. I don't care about the working from home, the $1200 check, nothing, I just wish my dad wasn't gone. Buy it:  Funny Shetland Sheepdog Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

Cool Bull Terrier Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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I’ve been unemployed and staying with my parents this year because they’re high risk for covid. It’s made me stir-crazy and worried about things like job prospects, my social life, and just living in general. But looking at this picture made me remember that I have my whole life to get my shit together, and that I don’t want anything to do with people that don’t appreciate how valuable the time I have left with my parents is. Thank you for this. It’s reaffirmed what’s really important in life. Buy it:  Cool Bull Terrier Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

Pro Bulldog Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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I’ll miss my parents when they’re gone. We lived paycheck to paycheck when I was little. They had little time to do much, but they always made time for me. They would skip meals so I could say I didn’t like the food. They would spend massive amounts of money to get me all the stuff I wanted for Christmas and my birthday. We are in a great place financially now and have been ever since my mom got a promotion at her work. Thanks to my dad’s service we have excellent insurance and he has a pension. We have nice things and we have plenty of time to spend together as a family. I’m so thankful for all they gave to make my childhood so happy. I’m also so grateful for the lessons they taught me. Buy it:  Pro Bulldog Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

Cute Cairn Terrier Dear Santa I can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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What beautiful pictures. I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad in 2017 and I picked out 3 pictures that made me laugh, smile, and cry (yes-at the same time) and had them framed. I spaced them out over my home & work. Over time it becomes bittersweet to see them. More smiles than tears. My wish for you is the same. I'm so sorry for your loss. If these fucking idiots who are making the pandemic longer by not following the rules and not wearing masks would have actually listened, I have a feeling he'd still be with us today. Again, I am very sorry for your loss and may your father's spirit live within all of us. Buy it: Cute Cairn Terrier Dear Santa I can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

Top Border Collie Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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Damn you. My dad passed away in 2017 and you had me go back and look at pictures of him doing the same for me at prom. Big tears over here as I sit assisting my ten year in virtual learning. All the best to you. Cherish the memories! He WAS a truly delightful badass. Former marine, Vietnam vet, and he married my mom when I was three and took on me and my sister and raised us as his own. I don’t refer to him as my stepdad because he put in the work everyday, he’s earned the title of Dad. Thank you for your beautiful comment. Buy it:  Top Border Collie Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

Wonderful Boston Terrier Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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Time plays a big part in the grieving process. My dad passed when I was 10, and I still remember the time after his death 20 years later. It was surreal even at the age. Life eventually settles into a new normal, but nobody should rush it, so I hope you have taken your time and continue to take your time, and I hope you continue finding great memories to look back on. I'm sorry. I've got boxes of KraftMaid cabinets downstairs that are supposed to be my kitchen he was going to help me install. I just kept pushing it off. The best we can do is to continue down the route we planned when they were around and know that they would be fully proud of us for completing what we sought to do. Buy it:  Wonderful Boston Terrier Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

Hot Bearded Collie Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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I’m so sorry to hear that. Losing a parent is such a confusing thing. Not knowing how to react or if you’re reacting the way you think you should. Feeling guilty about all the things you wish you would have done. I’m trying to remember all the memories and the lessons he taught me. It’s only been a few months for me and the painful moments don’t stop, they just become less frequent. Beautiful moments happen tho where you remember something that’s been lost in the depth of your mind for years and those moments of happiness are second to none. Good luck to you in coping with the loss. Buy it:  Hot Bearded Collie Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

Great Basset Hound Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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Wear a mask the cure all. Wash your hands. Don't touch your face while in public. Sanitize frequently. Beware of money handling. Places of business should have open doors and windows for fresh circulated air. And for God's sakes wash your clothes. I saw the Chinese traveling. They have like disposable suits that go over your clothes. If anyone knows they do. Wash your clothes regularly.As much as I agree with you, I've lost complete hope that advice like this will do any difference any more: Responsible people (who are unfortunately less than the irresponsible ones) will keep doing their part; selfish a-holes will keep spreading COVID. Buy it:  Great Basset Hound Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

Good Belgian Shepherd Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt

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So, it would sort of make sense that if some of the things our president says resonate with you, and then you stick your head in the sand and dig your heels in when people bring up things he does that you don't agree with, that you'd be willing to do the same with COVID, because it makes you feel good and validated. During a pandemic is a different story. I get weird looks for not wearing mask but I work 6 days a week. Every gas station I wear a mask because why not? It's not the most annoying thing. It makes me breakout more but fuck it I did my part. Buy it:  Good Belgian Shepherd Dear Santa I Can Explain Christmas Sweater Shirt